• Differences Between Termites

    July 28, 2020 | rhburr
  • There are many types of termites out there, but the most common in Florida are the Subterranean and the Drywood termites. With that in mind, I have created this blog to help understand some differences between the two termite species.

    Subterranean Termites: Within the United States we have two sub-groups. The Eastern Subterranean Termite and the Formosan Termite. Both groups like to live in or around moisture.

  • Subterranean termites live underground. The come above ground for food and may be detected by the presence of mud tubes, which they use for traveling purposes. Subterranean require moisture to survive. They live and feed in the soil, but they will also nest in wet wood.

    They are attracted to wood or other items that contain cellulose for food and they are attracted to light.

    Subterranean termites are active throughout the year with swarming in the spring.

  • Drywood Termites: Unlike subterranean termites, prefer to live in dry conditions. You'll find them living in furniture, attics, walls, etc. They get the moisture they need to live from humid air. Due to their hidden nature, they may be in a structure or piece of furniture for a long time before they are detected. Infestations are usually confined to a small area and may be found in structural wood, trim, hardwood floors, furniture, or other wood items. Drywood termites form their galleries up to the surface of the wood, leaving only a thin layer intact.


  • Drywood termite colonies are sometimes noticed when their droppings or fecal pellets are found around the infested site. These termites make small, temporary openings, “kick-out” holes, from which they push out fecal material. The holes are later resealed. Fecal pellets are about 1/16″ long. They may be black, cream colored or a combination, giving them a “salt and pepper” appearance. Fecal pellets are often found in piles like tiny stones. Each tiny pellet has six dented sides but this can only be seen using a magnifying lens.


  • When it comes to termite infestation, there is no “worst kind of termite”. All species can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. That is why is it important to have you home inspected whether you are in the purchase process or you already own a home.

    We appreciate the opportunity to personally serve you with a professional termite inspection and report for your Real Estate investment.


    Call Us Today to schedule an appointment ! (321) 285-2967