Is a written inspection report of a structure for visible and accessible evidence of an infestation or damage by wood destroying organisms (WDO).
Termites and wood decay can cause severe structural damage in your home if left untreated. The common signs of activity that one can observe are; mud tubes on a wall, damage to wood inside and outside of the home (including wood decay fungi) and wings on windowsills.
PestProUSATM can provide you with a WDO inspection service for your home. We prepare a WDO inspection report that tells the client about any evidence of the following:
Our WDO inspection service fully adheres to and complies with the provisions of Chapter 482 Florida Statues and Chapter 5E-14 Florida Administrative Code and all regulations including, and not limited to, industry baseline practice guidelines established for use by trained professional for the performance of Wood Destroying Organism inspections.
PestProUSATM inspection reports are emailed to the client in a computer generated comprehensive, narrative format using the Florida Department of Agriculture Services (FDACS)-13645 form. When our clients’ read the report, they will fully understand what (if anything) was detected during the inspection. Along with the report, the client will receive a copy of documented pictures of any evidence found.
Our WDO inspector will arrive at your home in a timely manner once we receive your call and will do a visual termite inspection.
The benefits of choosing us:
While starting a WDO inspection, our inspector will ask you a number of questions to have a better idea of the home’s history. Questions like, in which year the home was constructed, any additions made, previous termite problems and treatments, may help the inspector to concentrate on particular areas where chances of increasing termite activity.
Inspections can be done in approximately one hour or less, depending on the size of your structure and conditions. Contact us for more information.